Another Day in (the workers) Paradise
I have been remiss and I apologize for the lack of posts, it's been a busy holiday season... well that's my excuse!!
Last night we had another one of those amazing blizzards that seem to frequent these parts. I'm not sure what time it started but at 3 am all hell broke loose. The previous night I had slept with a window open to air the bedroom; well it seems I forgot to close it properly. At the aforementioned time there was an almighty bang as the strength of the howling wind blew the window wide open. I was sound asleep but isn't it amazing how quickly you can wake up!! I ran over to the window as quickly as I could but already the bedroom was full of freezing air and snow was coming in by the ton. After a bit of a fight I got the window closed and locked down.
So there I was at 3am, shivering in my pajamas and brushing snow off my bed!!!