Isn't Technology Wonderful!
These cold dark mornings are cruel, it's hard to get out of bed when the temperature is -30 C and below, and like this morning a blizzard raging!
At these low temperatures when the engine of a car is turned off it only takes a couple of hours for it to freeze solid, and impossible to restart. Quite a problem when you leave your car outside overnight. No garages in this town. However technology came to my rescue.
My car was recently fitted with an internal heater, it runs off of diesel from the tank and warms up the engine block slowly by warming the heating/cooling water system. This makes starting in the morning a breeze.
But wait, there's more!
I have this incredible remote control, I can start this clever heating system from the comfort of my bed when I awake.
But wait, there's even more!!
Once the engine has reached a nice temperature I can start the engine by remote control... while I eat my breakfast!!
When I'm ready to leave for the office I stroll downstairs to my car and jump in to a beautifully warm and cozy interior. Can it get better than this in this Northern Wasteland!!
There is a remote like that? I want one! I hate climbing out of bed and into a cold house.
Gosh, isn't life grand for you up there in the frozen north. Down here in the south, we have to live with basic and mundane amenities such as toilets in buildings, with toilet paper, that flush, and clearly marked grocery stores. To be honest, I didn't know you rode a car to work, I figured that you just hopped onto a Tom Tom. In a pinch, you can slice open their bellies with your light saber and climb inside to stay warm.
Of all the places on earth, Siberia, I am sure, should have garages connecting to the houses!!
I suppose for a place with the most horrific history on concentration camps such luxuries are completely out of the question and right down extravagant!
Anyways, could I possibly be justified for getting one of those remote control contraptions for my car? Although Atlanta is boasting only "nearly" freezing conditions, which in your language must translate as "tropical, it does get nippy in a cold car
I'll make you a promise, if Atlanta ever gets below -20c I'll have one fitted for you.
I think for a New Year's resolution you should plan to update this blog more often. ;)
Do you have pajamas with little feet in them? Seems like those would be necessary.
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