Global Warming ????!!!!!!
As an ex geologist I can say I more or less understand the passage of time and the change of climates and geography. (How it fits into my beliefs is another thing entirely.) However I absolutely disagree with the present hysteria of global warming. Over geological time climates change regularly, if you don't understand this watch a couple of notable documentaries, I highly recommend....Ice Age, and Ice Age II. Not that long ago almost the entire Northern Hemisphere was covered with ice, and a little longer back and you find evidence of the same area covered in desert. And guess what... there wasn't one car, bus or SUV back then!!
So you say what has that to do with this humble blogger, well at the moment the Workers Paradise has yet to turn on the centralized heating system to the houses and businesses. This is despite the fact that the temperatures are touching freezing point most mornings, and it's wet and raining. My apartment is flippin freezing, my office is flippin freezing.......
I'm sure global warming would be most welcomed in your neck of the woods.
Not happening any time soon, though
Perhaps the Russian goverment should bring cows to Siberia. Didn't you know that cows are the cause of Global Warming? Apparently their wind makes holes in the Ozone layer, or so they said.
Failing that, perhaps you should bring one such animal to your flat "
The following article appeared in "The Washington Post"
A team of Australian scientists has launched a multi-million dollar project to fight global warming through a reduction in bovine flatulence. The goal is to breed cows that produce more milk with less methane excretion--which believe it or not accounts for over half of New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions.
Plus, with the new cows installed, you can enjoy one of the pleasantries of Sherpa life: dung burning stoves.
Look forward to seeing you home soon, the central heater is still on at full tilt here, must be all of those SUVs.
Mother, In honor of your newly Americanized view on alcohol, I am coining the following phrase for you to use, you can even put it on a bracelet and hand them out to people entering bars: WWJDr - What Would Jesus Drink
Hiedi, I thought you were just being formal, "an book", sounds very sophisticated.
Good grief this blog's getting away from me!!! Concratulations Heidi and Wayne for managing your first input, and yes I have read an book called "State of Fear". A great read but it did not form my strong anti-global warming stance...that has been bred by a good Geological Professor many years ago.As to WWJDr good ole red wine I reckon!!
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