Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dark Cold Days and Exiting New Developments

Since returning a week ago the weather has gone from a cool-15C to a very chilly -36 C. But more than that the days have become nights too, sunrise is now around 10:00am and sunset around 2:00pm. Needless to say you've got to be quick to catch the sun!

The photo below was taken the other day at 1:45pm, you can see that the cars already have their headlights on! The white wispery stuff on the road is blowing snow.

Here's a really nice photo of the frozen wasteland that surrounds this garden spot!

But now for the scoop of the day. Do you remember the Siberian outhouse from last spring, well in thawed out in the summer and was such a health risk that it had to be removed and the melted brown stalamite disposed of. Now that the freeze is back so is the outhouse but it's bigger and better baby!!

May I introduce to you the new His n' Hers Siberian Comfort Station

The photo is not very good but the notices pinned to the doors say Ladies and Men in English and Russian. So they have done there bit for equality of the sexes. Now both Men and Ladies can take advantage of the facilities in complete confidence and privacy. However at -36 C you had better be quick!!!!


At 6:26 PM, Blogger The middle child said...

Right! So now the race is on. Who can make the biggest stalegmite before the end of winter, the men, or the women? Classic battle of the sexes.

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Element Youth Church said...

What I want to know is whether or not the dividing wall between the stalls goes all the way to the floor....because every stall needs a convenient pass-through at the bottom in case one runs out of paper. "Can you spare a square?"

At 8:56 AM, Blogger kelly said...

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At 9:38 AM, Blogger kelly said...

Hmm... I see we are back on the lavatory humor?
Dear Wright, thanks for iluminating us on the purpose for the gap at the bottom of the stalls. It would have never occurred to me that it was to AID your neighbour in distress!!
Thus saving him from having to use both sides of the lavatory paper.
Middle child, Your competitive spirit is getting the better of you. I can not think of a SINGLE woman who would like to join you in such race.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Freezerburntbrit said...

Who said anything about toilet paper?

At 8:16 PM, Blogger kelly said...

Michael, ENOUGH!

At 1:00 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

Michael, MORE!

As always, I love this post. There was a great story on the oil industry in Siberia recently on NPR (one of my favorite stations by the way). I thought of you!

Amazing picture - the first one. I'm putting it on my desktop as wallpaper.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger Freezerburntbrit said...

Thanks Catherine! But I did spell check. Maybe I should get you to edit my "spontaneous" blogs before I post them.


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