Two Years On
As some of you will recall today is a significant day in my life. Two years ago today my heart finally rebelled at the lifetime of abuse I'd been throwing at it.
It cetainly got my attention, it was nearly the end of me!
But thank God for His mercy, a great doctor, and my devoted wife and family for hauling me back to wellness; in Catherine's case literally!!
The road has been difficult.....for them!! I am without a doubt an extremely hard headed individual and it was only their constant vigilance and tough stand that got me through. And of course loads and loads of blueberries, more blueberries than you can ever imagine, thanks to my wife.!!
Everytime I tried to eat something 'unhealthy' I was bombarded from every side...blimey talk about persistance!! Even sneaking goodies was virtually impossible, they actually counted sweets and chocolates and chips and things!!!!
But it paid off in the end because the other day I came across a picture of me about two weeks after the event, I looked half dead, pale, sunken eyes, ugh !!!
So now two years on I can say with sincerity thank you Lord... and thanks y'all!!!